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Thursday, June 23, 2011

Bugatti Veyron Price

The Bugatti Veyron is not just any car, it is a super car. And its’ super sport version has the claim
to fame of being the fastest on road vehicle with a top speed of 431,07 km/h. So if you dream of
being the next Tom Cruise, and have upwards of $100,000 in spare cash, perhaps you would like to
follow in the footsteps of the rich and famous and purchase your very own Bugatti Veyron.
As a general rule of thumb, if you have to ask how much it will cost you to own one of these
Bugatti / Volkswagen super cars, then the answer is you don’t have enough. Price ranges can vary,
of course depending on if you are prepared to settle for a second hand version, or if only new
will do .A new Bugatti Veyron will cost 1.7 million dollars for a standard version, and a huge 2.4
million dollars for the super sport version. And this is not the type of car that is available on the
normal forecourt or in a showroom.

The Bugatti Veyron is only available from specialist dealers, these who you will find by searching
the Internet. Today we do all our business and shopping on the Internet, be it for a new home, a car,
or simply the weekly groceries. So a good starting point when wanting to become owner of one of
these super cars is to surf the Internet. Here you will see exactly the price range that exists, and that
you will be lucky to find a second hand model for less than 1 million dollars.

These cars are not like everyday cars, and are therefore not available in the way a normal car is.
If you wish to own a brand new Bugatti Veyron, then the only way to go about this is to contact a
dealer who will discuss the finish you require etc. Bugatti Veyrons are not standing in the forecourt
ready for you to purchase them, they have to be ordered. Then this enables you, through talking
with the dealer, to select the exact model, color, finish etc that you require. If you are going to
spend up to 2.4 million dollars on a car, then you expect to be able to choose exactly what you want
right down to the last detail!
If you are looking to buy a second hand Bugatti Veyron, then the chances are that you will be
able to find one advertised on the Internet also, in sections for specialist cars. You should still
look to pay upwards of 1 million dollars, although you may be very lucky with a private deal. But even if you get an used bugatti, the bugatti veyron price still will be a nightmare.
However, when buying such a pricey car from a private dealer, you must be overly careful that all
the paperwork etc.. is correct and that the ownership documents are all as they should be. A Bugatti
may also be found on e bay, and therefore the pricing will be like that of an auction. In this case too,
you must take extreme car that everything is above board